It's been a while since I've written due to loss of internet access and a new job. I finally landed the internship of my dreams at Highland Fire Department working as an EMT!!!!:) Let me tell you, it is the FUNNEST most EXCITING job of my life. I don't get paid much because I'm just an intern for now, but maybe some day I'll be able to move up to a part time employee. Meanwhile I'm looking for a second job as an ER Technician at Provo hospital. I pray I get the job! I just got off a 24 hour shift at the station, after which I had to run home and get ready for the American Fork parade where I marched with an LDS Family services FSA (Families Supporting Adoption) float. I'm soooo tired and will be taking an afternoon nap here pretty soon. I didn't get any sleep last night because we had emergency calls, which I totally don't mind. I'd rather be going on calls than sleeping any day. I have so many stories from work even after just two weeks of employment. I LOVE the job. The guys decided I needed to have some sort of "initiation" yesterday so they dared me to drink a whole gallon of milk in an hour. If I completed the task, they'd award me with $100. P.S. it was whole milk...bleh:P I almost did it! I got 3/4 of the way through and then I almost threw up, so needless to say, I didn't recieve the $100 but I am officially initiated...ha! whatever, I only tried it because they doubted my abilities and I was up to a challenge. Anyway, I hated milk before, but now I really hate it.
So, update on Sophie and her goings on. She is still as tiny as can be, though she drinks 4 ounces of milk ever 3 hours of so. She's a chow hound! But a cute one at that! Her hair is growing longer, thicker, and redder all the time. She just barely started to smile in reaction to people. It is THE cutest thing ever. She has so many funny faces that she makes, she's very animated and it's to-die-for adorable! And her sweet mom took tons of pictures of her smiling, so I will be sure to post those very soon for all to see. We also got our professional photos back from Peekaboo Portraits, so I'll post those as well. Sophie is on a plane at this very moment headed to Virigina with mom and dad. They'll be spending the whole next week there at an EFY while the boys stay at home enjoying time with their grandparents. Anywho...that's the jist of it. Things are going great between me and my adoptive family, the Mathesons. I love them to pieces and can't wait for our big BBQ coming up on the 26th!
As far as my emotional healing process...things are going great. I have gone from having 3-4 horrible days in a row to 3-4 bad hours every now and then. I am slowly building up my confidence and moving on with my life in positive ways. And though my heart still aches and I still have questions, I am at peace knowing that Sophie is being so loved and taken care of and that I can see her again. Adoption is amazing people, I just want to put that out there. It has changed/blessed my life, as well as many others. Till next time!