Monday, November 7, 2011

Meet Paul and Alli: A Hopeful Adoptive Couple

One of the greatest perks that come with being a birth mom is getting to know all the wonderful adoptive couples out there. Whether I meet them through LDS Family Services or through a family friend it's always a pleasure. One of my favorite things to do is promote adoptive couples who are looking to expand their family. It sounds weird when I say I'm out there 'selling' these adoptive couples to expectant birth moms, but it's true! That's what I do, because heaven knows there are so many adoptive couples and so many expectant mothers still searching for that perfect family. So, I'd like to take a second and spot light a couple I was recently introduced to and after visiting their blog, immediately fell in love with. Their names are Paul and Alli Watson. They've been married for ten years, had lots of fun traveling, finishing school, and starting their own businesses, and are now ready to start their own family. Here is the link to their blog LINK. I've also linked their page to the right of this post, if you look you'll see their picture underneath the slideshows of Sophie. If you are an expectant parent who reads my blog and you're still looking for your family, check them out, they are SO cute and worth the look.

And Dear Paul and Ali, you guys are so amazing, cute, and fun. I wish you luck and please know you are in my prayers.